Saturday, July 6, 2013

Expanding vector the Asian tiger mosquito

So far this year there have been reports of West Nile Virus in 21 states and 10 cases of West Nile disease in the United States. West Nile is a mild disease that only causes symptoms in 20% of people infected and less than 1% of the infected progress to the sometimes fatal neurologic illness.

Most people know that West Nile virus is spread by mosquitoes and mosquitoes are active at dusk and early evening. In many parts of the country that is changing, 30 years ago the Asian tiger mosquito came to Texas on a tire shipment and is now found on 27 states. It is an interesting looking mosquito with a black body that has white stripes. This mosquito is particularly adept at spreading disease including West Nile virus because it is active at all times of the day and very aggressive and will not let go once it bites.

To best control the Asian tiger mosquito it is important to remove all sources of standing water and experts recommend that individuals use a repellant with DEET cover up with long sleeves and pants. The Asian tiger mosquito likes to bite ankles and knees.

This is an invasive species that may be impossible to control because it is aggressive and spreading and has an advantage over the native mosquitoes in that its eggs are much more resilient and can survive winter freezes.

So if you see a mosquito it is time to cover up. 

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